Member-only story
I Couldn’t Be More Grateful
My life isn’t perfect, and I’m nothing great. I have good days and bad days. Sometimes, I feel lazy, make mistakes, and have complaints. I don’t always get everything I want, and not everything goes my way. I’m not as strong of a person as you think I am. But I’m still here, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
I’m just someone who is trying to live each day. I’ve had my fair share of problems. But it doesn’t mean I can’t find a reason to be grateful. I know it’s easy to see the negative side of things, but it’s life-changing to see the positive side. This is the life I’m living, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
My life isn’t easy, and I feel afraid. I have my ups and downs. Sometimes, I feel lost, get emotional, and care too much. I’m just as vulnerable and get misunderstood. But this is a part of who I am, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
I’m just someone who is celebrating progress every day. I’ve had my fair share of struggles. But it doesn’t mean to forget how far I've come with what I have. I know it’s easy to see how many times I’ve failed, but it’s rewarding when I achieve something. This is the life I’m building from, and I couldn’t be more grateful.